

Jobseekers must ensure that their CV is constantly updated as per emerging market trends and standards and should effectively say to recruiters/ hiring managers -“Hey, I am the best candidate for the job“. Here is what your CV should broadly contain and look like in 2022 to ensure that it gets you noticed by recruiters:


  • Your CV must begin with a synopsis of a) who you are, b) how much experience you have and c) what sort of work you are primarily handling.
  • This should come right on top – it is a glimpse of what your CV contains. The recruiter should read the overview and say – “This candidate fits the profile”.
  • Do NOT include a career objective – it has fallen out of use. Including one reflects poorly on your ability to understand job-market trends.
  • Tailor your overview/summary according to the vacancy you are applying to as much as possible.
  • Understand what the role entails – and ensure you emphasize those attributes that show that you will fit the role.


  • Your CV must contain a brief history of your employment in reverse chronological order.
  • Avoid listing routine job functions in too much detail.
  • Focus of the functions you have handled that match the job that you are currently applying for.
  • Don’t let you CV exceed 3 pages. It should ideally be two pages.


  • Routine job responsibilities you manage are not what employers look for. The employer wants to know what you accomplished. Employers like to see quantifiable achievements on resumes – use facts and numbers to show how you positively contributed to a company.
  • Don’t list all your achievements together – each job mentioned in your experience section should also have a corresponding achievements section showing what you achieved at that particular job.


  • Your CV should be simple and sober.
  • Don’t use more than one colour (other than black and white) on your CV. The colour you use should not be too loud and bright.
  • Make sure the formatting is consistent.
  • Do not try to insert fancy designs and graphics which distracts attention from the text.
  • Decide what you wish to show in your resume and find a brief way to say it. Use brief sentences that describe your roles and responsibilities. Lengthy sentences are boring to read and the recruiters may lose interest or patience while reading it.
  • Simple language is easier for the recruiters to comprehend – fancy words which force the recruiter to reach for a dictionary are not going to take your candidature very far.
  • Minimize the use of industry specific jargon that a recruiter may not be familiar with.
  • Use a simple font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri. These are fonts that are available on most computers, so are easy to open. Also they look near and tidy.
  •  Use a font size that’s readable – 10 to 12 points works best. Use bold and italics only to highlight job titles.


  • Your CV must list your phone number and e-mail details at the very top. This allows recruiters to contact you easily if they think you are right for the job.
  • Your Address and your LinkedIn can be listed at the bottom of your CV.


  • Don’t include marital status, exact place of residence, photograph, hobbies and religion . It might lead to unconscious discrimination – and it is unnecessary for the hiring process.


  • Save your resume as a PDF, so you won’t have to worry about the formatting of your word documents getting distorted or the recruiter seeing blanks.
  • Unless the employer requires a different format, send a PDF so your resume opens exactly as you want it to look – on any system.


If you want to know the strengths and weaknesses of your CV you can send it to me for a FREE professional evaluation and feedback to my email Id:

Also feel free to FOLLOW me on Linkedin now (and let me know so I can follow you back!) to my join network and also for regular CV tips, vacancies, interview guidelines, and advice on how to conduct a successful job search.

Don’t forget to hit the “LIKE” button and also “SHARE” this article so others can benefit!!!! #resumetips #jobhunt #hired #cvtips

7 Things Recruiters MUST See On Your CV

Most of us have gone through the heartbreak of getting rejected for a job opening that we felt we were ideally tailor-made for. This may be because your CV failed to reflect the qualities that hiring managers hunt for.

That is why it is very important to identify what companies are looking for in a potential candidate. If you want to succeed at getting shortlisted for interviews, you have to see your CV not from your own perspective but from an employer’s perspective.

Here are 7 things recruiters MUST see on your CV and how you can succeed at showing it to them.

1) Suitability

You need to be a good match for the job posting to get shortlisted. Your CV must show that you have work experience which relates to the job for which you are applying. What companies are searching for is this – Can you produce the required results for the post you are being hired for?

Unless your CV points in this direction quickly and accurately, the person who is shortlisting will skip your CV and go to the next CV in the pile.

Your suitability can be shown through your work experience and achievements. Your CV must show your knowledge, understanding and hardcore experience in producing results in the shortest possible time.

# To help a recruiter notice your suitability quickly, show it right on top.

Make a short overview/ summary right on top of your CV with 3 to 5 bullet points expressing how many years of experience you have, your designation and your core expertise.

Once they glimpse your suitability it helps them connect with you and encourages them to read your CV further.

2) Real Experience

Experience is about the functions you have handled in your job during your career. However, job seekers fail to show this effectively and tend to give a detailed report on every single thing they do. Hiring managers find this utterly boring to read and they usually skip it. This is a crucial aspect of the CV, and must be effectively shown.

To show your experience more effectively, stop giving obvious job descriptions. For example: “I am a sales person and I sell” OR “I am an accountant, I do accounting” OR “I am an architect, I design buildings”– along with all the jargon that goes with it. None of these statements say anything about what makes you good at your work or what makes you perfect for the job.

What you really need to do is to show how your experience qualifies you for the job. Talk about your real accomplishments!

Instead of saying, I am a civil engineer, give details of what you have actually built – “a 2 km long bridge across the river OR “a township spread over 400 acres” OR “A school building in the neighborhood”. If you are a sales executive, “I sold 1 million worth of products in 1 year” is better than “I handled sales and marketing.”

# Talk about what you have delivered. Giving relevant facts will also help in making each company / employment on your CV different, more informative and interesting to read.

3) Achievements

However good you are at your work, it does not matter unless you show you are able to produce results and achieve the company’s goals and targets.

Saying “I am good” does not matter – that’s your opinion. You have to prove why you are good.

A lot of job seekers only give a list of awards, achievements and appreciations from the company. For Example- “Got Best Salesman reward and won a trip to Honolulu” OR “I was given a letter of appreciation & increment for introducing cost saving methods”.

A better way to convey your achievements is to say “Won trip to Honolulu because I sold XXXX worth of products, more than anybody else”.

Remember, achievements also include those aspects of doing a job well for which you may not have got a special recognition. For example – “Over the past 5 years in the company as a safety officer there were no accidents” OR “I met the sales target year on year” OR “I achieved a 98.9% success rate – of patients not dying after a surgery performed by me…”

# Achievements have to show how you contributed to a company goal by doing your job well or excellently. But you may or may not get a reward or appreciation for it. Simply doing a job well can also be shown as an achievement. But this must be shown in a brief and precise manner.

4) Creativity

Companies want people who can use their brains to find solutions and make contributions that benefit them. Creativity is a real asset for all employers. They are looking for people who can add surplus to the job.

So as a job seeker you must make sure that your achievements also reflect your creativity.

For example, increasing sales in your supermarket outlets by 50% each year is a good achievement – introducing uniforms for staff in your store to make them identifiable by customers shows creativity – both are good points to use. But the second achievement highlights creativity.

You can show creativity on your CV by highlighting instances where your ideas have benefited the company. For example, you have achievements that make you a good HR manager, but introducing bio-metrics or computerization is creative. Or, as a warehouse manager, you have great achievements but the fact you decided to implement a bar code system to replace manual checking in your warehouse is creative.

Even if your job is mechanical and routine, creativity can be shown. Did you find a way to do the same work in an improved manner? Creativity does not have to be a profound idea – Just one that leads to improvements.

# Being creative must also show in your achievements.

Did you think of any new ideas that resulted in reduced costs, improved processes, nurtured growth, solved problems, saved time, increased revenue?

Show it clearly on your CV.

5) Skills and Competencies

It was a good idea once upon a time to give a great list of skills – But today doing so will lead to recruiters skipping this section.

If you have a specific technical skill – like software or use of a machine or instrument –list it.

But if you are planning on listing general skills like SCM or design or sales – it’s passé. It’s redundant for an accountant to say I know accounts, trial balance preparation or bank reconciliation. Or, if you are an IT professional, it’s silly to you are an expert in MS Office, when even a school kid is an expert. If you decide to mention or list your skills then make sure it is specific to the requirements of the job applied for.

Avoid saying general things like strong negotiation skills, team player, hardworking, keen learner, self-starter … really, it’s a waste…Instead of saying that you are a team player, talk about how you handled a team of people and successfully launched a new product or achieved a deadline. It becomes real then.

# Direct attention to specific skills that are important to the employer. This may include a technology platform, a software, a methodology or a specific knowledge that is important for the post, and leave out generalities.

Or if you can show something specific for example a language, familiarity with a territory and country or a specific qualification that you think would be advantageous to the employer – show that.

6) Good Communication

Good communication skills are a basic requirement for all jobs. So, your CV must show how good a communicator you are – both verbal as well as written.

# A well written resume with good language, no grammatical errors with clear thinking and presentation reflects a person with good communication, language and written skills.

7) Confidence

You have to project yourself as a confident person and your CV is a direct platform for showing your confidence.

There are many ways to project confidence. Your expertise and success must be clear – and visible. A poorly made CV shows low self-esteem and reflects poorly on your presentation skills and professionalism. Are you proud of your CV?

Also make sure your LinkedIn profile and your CV are updated and well presented. You must look smart & professional everywhere and all the time. No one wants to hire someone who can’t take the trouble of creating a good CV.

# Confidence is an intangible quality that shows because of a smart CV. Make sure you show it.


To know what your CV reflects to recruiters and hiring managers — get a FREE EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK of your CV, by mailing your CV to      and get tips and advice on how you can improve the impact of your CV and boost your job search.

Also feel free to follow me on LinkedIn at for regular CV tips, vacancies, interview tips and advice on how to conduct a successful job search (and let me know so I can follow you back)

Looking for vacancies? Go to our jobs section at for more

7 Things You Should NEVER Include On Your CV

Job seekers tend to focus on what to include on their resume, but it is equally important to know what NOT to include on your resume.

What information to include is in your hands, but remember that even small mistakes can backfire and reflect badly on you and in turn hurt your chances of getting shortlisted.

Here are a list of things that you should NOT include on your CV.

1) Personal Information; What to include and what to exclude:

The basics of personal information that you have to include are Name, Address, Email, and Mobile. This information is necessary for a person to contact you. Make sure that all contact details are current and in working condition.

– Address
Your address has to be a place where you can be reached.

#Avoid giving an address of some remote location even if it is your permanent address. If you have no permanent address or you are changing locations frequently, do not list it. You can give an email ID instead.

– Email IDs
Your email ID must be in working condition and you should frequently check it.

You can include up to 2 email id’s on your CV. Just ensure you do not include your current company ID on your CV.

# Do not include email IDs that are descriptive – like sexysanjoo, chooserekha , Manjeetforsuccess – Please choose a mature email ID for your job hunt- the best ones are simple with just combinations around your name.

– Links.
You should include links and details of your Linkedin profile, Skype and website, and to your portfolio.

# What not to include are links that make a person move out of your CV and into your company or college website or to other places on the internet.

– Photographs.
Your photograph needs to show you with a frontal view, in formal attire and a smile. There should be a clear background behind you. Prepare 2 versions of your CV –with and without a photograph.

# Avoid sending your CV with a photograph, unless it has been asked for. Someone may reject you for no reasonable fault but just because of how you look. Also remember, photographs are graphic files and are heavy to email, which can lead to technical difficulties in opening your CV or email.

2) Do NOT include statements of self praise and emphasis:

Many job seekers tend to put in declaratory statements in their “Objective”.
Here are some examples:

Objective: “Talented, multifunctional visionary seeks …”
– “Looking for middle or senior position with an organization where I can contribute…”
– “Award winning national sales manager looking for a challenging work environment… “

No company or recruiter is interested in what you want and what you are trying to say so vehemently. They are interested in only what they want.

# Cut it out- Create a short summary instead- just 2 to 4 points maximum telling them what your expertise is, so that your value to them is clear from the start.

3) Do NOT include explanations for job changes in your CV.

Many job seekers find it necessary to explain why they left a company in the past.
For example-“Left company because – I had a baby, had an accident, left to avoid relocation, got retrenched, company closed down, left because of no growth prospects, daddy got posted abroad” – The reasons are varied.

This is highly avoidable because the explanations you give can have different interpretations for different hiring managers. Lets take the example given above to get an idea on how others may view it.

Example: She had a baby last year so she has to cope with a 1 year old kid’s problems- She would be taking leave whenever the kid falls sick. Oh he had an accident? Maybe he is a rash driver or is he hiding a disability related issue? She left because daddy got posted out? So next time daddy get another posting she will quit. Got retrenched, company closed down, left because of no growth prospects ? Hey this may be a person with a problem – probably someone who gets shunted our easily – Maybe because he is dispensable?

#Do not give reasons for leaving a company on your CV. The reasons can be misinterpreted. You can give an explanation for a job change when you are called in for an interview instead.

4) Do NOT include your salary details.

Job seekers tend to mention their current salary details or give their CTC ( Cost To company ) figures in their CV. They mention it either with their current job, or give salary figures for all the jobs that they have worked in.

Including salary details on your CV is a fundamental blunder. This is because companies have different structures for salary preparation. And if you don’t fit into their structure you may get rejected. They may also reject you because you are over their budget.

By including it, you are creating a reason for rejection without getting a fair chance to be called for an interview where you get a chance to negotiate or compromise.

# Never include your salary details on your CV. Give yourself the chance to discuss and negotiate your salary requirement during the interview.

5) Do NOT include references, unless specifically asked:

There was a time when references were a necessary part of a CV. Job seekers used to go through a lot of trouble getting references from impressive contacts.

Today , there is no need to give references on your CV. If you are a job seeker, employers know that you can produce references. So you do not have to say – “References on request”.

In today’s environment a reference check happens to be the employer’s privilege. Every company has their own requirement- It could be talking to your client, your boss, other ex- employers, your colleagues. So if you are selected for a position, they will probably ask you for a specific kind of reference.

# Avoid putting references on your CV when there is no need for it. It makes your CV unnecessarily long. You can produce them when specifically asked to do so.

6) Do NOT include family details.

Job seekers tend to include information about their marital status, kids, employment details of spouse/ father ,religion.

This kind information creates impressions about you that you have no control over. Suppose a company is not keen to hire a person who is married, why take the chance of getting rejected without a fair chance? Personal data is not compulsory to show. People are keen to know what you can contribute to their organization. So stick to showing your expertise rather than your personal life.

And never mention your religion on your CV. This is often a ground for prejudice and getting rejected.

# Avoid giving personal information on your CV.

7) Do NOT include a conclusion statement at the end of the CV.

Remove the oath bearing statement at the end of your CV that says- I declare that all information is true and updated to the best of my ability – along with a date and signature. It is understood that you shouldn’t lie. Also, it is a CV not an affidavit.

# There is no need for it at all. It is redundant and it just occupies space.

Stay clear and concise on what you want to show on your resume. There is so much competition out there, you cannot afford to make mistakes in what you communicate to others through your CV.

For a FREE EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK on errors and mistakes on your CV, mail your CV to      and get tips and advice on how you can improve the impact of your CV and boost your job search.

Also feel free to follow me on LinkedIn at for regular CV tips, vacancies, interview tips and advice on how to conduct a successful job search (and let me know so I can follow you back)

Looking for vacancies? Go to our jobs section at for more

5 Ways To Effectively Show Your Expertise On Your CV.

There are too many experts telling us what to do and not do with our CV. Most of us become quite brainwashed or too afraid to use our own common sense in deciding what to do for improving our CV.

If you have work experience then you have a great and valuable asset that can be of benefit to your future employer. Your CV has to make others see this fact.

So keep the following points in mind to create an effective CV.

1) The Resume Summary is crucial.

What is a summary? Right on top of the CV there has to be a summary. A summary is a brief headline on who you are, what you are good at and why you can be good at a certain type of job in your field. The purpose of a summary is to help the person who views your resume to connect with you.

It helps the viewer spot the relevant. For Eg. Civil Engineer with 14 years of experience in heading projects for developing residential townships. Eg. Sales Executive with experience in business development in projects and channel sales development in the paint industry

Most people make the mistake of treating a resume summary as a platform for emphasis, delivery, advertising and selling oneself. The purpose is different. It is a psychological angle. You have to be subtle and tempt them to read your CV.

What is it aimed to do? It has to lead the person viewing it in a direction. It must show why you are a good choice.

This is what a summary should be. A summary should be a brief. Never more than 3 to 4 points that state who you are, at what level you are and a few points on what you have contributed in your trade, profession or industry. But this is not a place for bragging. It must be factual.

# It must have a single focus which is directed to the post you are applying for. If you have done different things that you are good at or have good experience in different fields the person reading it will either get confused or not be able to connect with it. It must show your suitability and relevance for a post and must have a single focus or specialization.

2) Focus on your expertise.

What does expertise mean? Expertise is about what you have acquired during your working with various organizations. You have worked at a profession and acquired skills and you have become good at doing certain things that have added value to the company, that is your expertise.

Every company is looking for expertise, the value you can bring to the job and the company. A successful CV communicates your expertise, what you can offer to the company as a professional.

#To communicate your expertise.
1. Be specific about your work function, and what you have done in the companies you have worked in.
2. Communicate exactly what you implemented that benefited the operations, service, sales or whatever you were /are handling.

3) Highlight your achievements

Most professionals find it difficult to define their achievements. But everyone has achievements that come as a natural course of doing a job well. Remember if you did not do the job well the company would have sacked you.

You have to define your own achievements. This is because even when you do the routine aspects of your job well like being accurate in maintaining books of accounts, routine preventive maintenance of machinery or handling the administration of an office where all systems are in place or working as a security guard at a bank with a gun and never ever getting a chance to shoot the bad guys- You are still doing a job well but in your mind you do not define it as such.

Many of your achievements do not find a place in the resume because job seekers think that an achievement is only about doing something great for which you are recognized and for which you get appreciation or awards. So add whatever you have implemented in your routine job functions as well, which have benefited the company

#Your bragging rights are yours in your CV. But be sure to explain the achievement in a factual manner.

4) Show your work experience with precision.

Most job seekers believe that a CV must be a historical record about themselves. They tend to describe what they have done in each of the companies that they have worked in. This often results in a lot of reading material without a sharp focus and expertise tends to get lost as hidden data in all that reading material.

Job descriptions tend to be common for a profession so you do not need to spell it out in great detail. Avoid lengthy descriptions about your roles and keep it short and factual. Work experience has to be well presented for each company.

#Remember that it is important to change the content of your job description for each of the companies you have worked for. You have to show different angles. Never give a common list of functions applying to all the companies you worked in.

5) Be factual and crisp about your information.

Avoid giving boring descriptions. Give facts and figures instead. Many jobseekers feel that using flowery or emphatic verbs show that you are dynamic. A person who is trying to get to the point of finding your expertise through the shortest possible route is not going to be impressed with verbosity.

Hiring managers and placement consultants are experienced in handling massive volumes of CVs at the screening level. They are experts in giving a quick reading with a sharp focus on looking out for expertise that connects to what they need. So your CV must direct them to information that will show them why you are good at your job so that they can take a decision on you being a good choice.

#Crisp, short and precise sentences are easy to understand, so focus on keeping it simple while showing your expertise.
A resume well laid out in design makes reading easy. This is a very important factor because it makes the recruiters’ job easier.

Remember a good CV will be as good as how accurately and effectively you can show why you are a good choice. The job market is a competitive place. You may be extremely good at your job or have wonderful achievements but your CV must communicate this to others to be effective. =======================================================A majority of professionals who are very good at their jobs do not express it effectively or clearly! To know if your CV is effective and highlights your skills and expertise, send it for a FREE evaluation and feedback to :

7 Secrets For Succeeding At Job Interviews

Most of us are a little apprehensive and nervous about attending interviews. It could be because we really need to get that job for better prospects or simply because it is our dream company which we wish to join. The interview result will show us what our job-market worth is, which is also a scary prospect.

It would help to remind yourself about why you have been called for an interview in the first place. It is because the basics about you is alright. If you were unfit on the basis of your CV then they would not have called you. The interviewer wants to know first – hand if you can do the job and fit into the organization.

I have been on both sides of the interview table and I think the solution lies in understanding what has to be conveyed and communicated, and I can assure you that there is no magic pill for that.

Here are 7 essentials for succeeding at job interviews.

1) Don’t neglect the basics

– Dress in appropriate attire and be well groomed. When in doubt go for formal attire acceptable in that country or city.

– Be on time. It is obvious, but it is also amazing how last minute hitches get you late- Check the route, allow for traffic and make sure that you are early enough to catch your breath and relax for 15 minutes before the interview.

– Creating the first impression starts even before the interview. So be pleasant to everyone- the receptionist, the junior kid who is coordinating, the assistant of the interviewer, or someone offering you a drink. And never sit at the reception of an office and converse continuously on your mobile phone. Most people consider it bad manners.

– Relax – it creates good body language. Desperation, nervousness and tension show. Consciously try to relax. Do some deep breathing. And make sure your hands are not sweaty because a handshake with a sweaty palm puts people off.

– Keep your documents organized. Carry several copies of your CV. Keep your cell phone switched off. When you are called, enter confidently, smile and wish everyone present giving full eye contact.

Remember the person on the other side of the table is a human being not a warrior you have to defeat. So be respectful, courteous. Smile, be nice but be formal.

2) Do your homework to know & show your interest in the company

The best way to convey that you are interested in the company and job is to do your homework. Research the company thoroughly before an interview. By doing this, you will be able to answer well when interviewers ask you questions like: What do you know about our company? What are our products? Who are our competitors? How can you add value to our company?

You can ask a few questions at the interview but never ask about the basics of the company’s activities and products/ services. Also go through the job requirement you are applying for. Do not demand a full briefing at the interview.

# Do your homework- Research the company on Google. Check out their website. Hunt for their latest press releases. Check out their social media presence. Research on Linkedin by searching the profiles of other employees working there.

3) Focus on communication not performance

An interview is a communication between people not a judgment call on your brilliant interview performance.

Remember you are not delivering a recital about how great you are. You have to convey through your conversation and discussion why you would be suitable for the post, what you can contribute and why you fit in.

# Listen and respond. If someone asks you a question, stick to answering it rather than delivering a sales pitch on your greatness.

4) Discussing holidays and work timings is avoidable

Most people universally believe that a candidate who is a stickler for holidays and work timings is not flexible and is self centered. This is because companies want to believe that a candidate is coming with the promise of delivery. Even if the cost is unreasonable- like working on all holidays, company before family or being available on beck and call at all times.

# Avoid discussing holidays and timings at an interview. Focus on other things like the job you have to handle.

5) Salary Negotiation

How much should you expect? This is a tough question.

Never talk about salary unless it is brought up by the interviewer. It is avoidable to discuss salary at an early stage before impressions are made and you get some idea from the interviewer on what the company has in mind.

Do you have the correct inputs on what the company is offering? Do you know the structure of the perks and benefits the company has? Does the company have fixed grades? These are aspects that can be researched before an interview or one can simply reach this point towards the end of an interview when both parties are ready and interested. That is when you can probe for this kind of information.

Not negotiating at all may not be advisable as it can show desperation but aggressive hard line negotiation is also not advisable.

# Don’t commit. Saying you expect a jump over you present salary- like 20- 30% is okay or it can be more if you are sure that your market value supports it. Say that you would like to know what the company has in mind. You cannot negotiate unless you know at what level the negotiation starts. A benchmark has to be established. Don’t presume anything. You may even get a good deal without bargaining.

6) Be alert and attentive

Listen carefully to what is being said and asked. If you are thinking while someone is talking to you then you are not really listening. This is not good because then you are not going to be accurate in your response.

You will be asked questions about yourself, your achievements, your shortcomings, how your involvement saved or made the company money, reduced expenses, solved problems, saved time, etc. Be prepared to talk and answer.

# Keep a sharp focus. Give direct answers. You can ask questions if you want, but keep it very brief.

7) End the interview well and send a follow up mail.

It is the interviewer who decides when the interview is over. Make your exit well. Thank the interviewer and for the opportunity and time spent with you.

#Follow up after your interview. You can send a mail including the following points:

– Thank the interviewer . If there were more people present then mention them in the note. Remind the interviewer why you would be useful to the organization. Give a brief summary of how your skills and experience fit into the role they are looking to fill.

– Remind them about you. Try to be specific. You can quote a specific aspect that you discussed in the interview. It may help to them to remember you in case they have been meeting several candidates.

– If there is any new information that you missed during the interview you can cover it briefly in your mail.

– Your follow up email should be kept brief and only cover the essential information. Your mail should act as merely a reminder and be sent within 24 hours of the interview.


So go ahead – Listen attentively, talk and answer keeping these 7 points in mind. If you come across as a good, genuine person who can work well and deliver, then – “You have got the Job!”

If you need any advice regarding interviews, please feel free to contact me at and I will gladly answer your questions.

If you need help getting to the interview stage, send your CV to for a FREE evaluation and tips on how to create your CV perfectly in order to get noticed in the job market.

Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal
Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist.

10 Stupid Resume Mistakes to Avoid! 

Most jobseekers go through a lot of trouble trying to make their resume look good and professional. But there is more to your resume than just putting in data under specific headers and choosing a good design. Even a well written resume can have loopholes.

Every jobseeker must watch out for these loopholes and errors. These stumbling blocks make sure that your CV goes into the trash box. These are items that irritate, prejudice or show weaknesses. Or it may be information that over talks or misinforms.

Everything in your resume is important. But what has to go in and what has to show is a fundamental decision that needs to be taken.

Here is a list of mistakes no jobseeker can ever afford to make: 

1) Avoid putting in your “objectives”.

Headers saying “Objectives” are dangerous because if what you write on top of your CV does not match what the company wants, then it is a sure shot way of getting rejected.

Also, no company  is really interested in what your objectives are,  they mostly care about their own objectives…which happens to be – Do you fit in or not?

Instead, put a brief summary about your experience and your contribution to previous companies. If you are a fresher it’s best to avoid this section. There are other formats you can use and other ways in which you can talk about yourself.

2) Do NOT make grammatically incorrect statements.

Resumes are supposed to be a presentation. The fact that you are talking about you is naturally understood.

So avoid writing your resume in the- First-person or the Third-person.Your resume shouldn’t include the words “I,” “me,” “she,” or “my,”  “He “– This is grammatically incorrect and proves your English is weak.

Also the tense is important- In school we learnt that there are grammar rules about past, present and future tenses. So you cannot be “doing” something if you are talking about your previous jobs. It has to go into past tense.

You may not be an expert in grammar, but you can check your resume for mistakes on the internet or on the Microsoft Word program on your computer.. Be especially careful if you are applying for international jobs. You have to show that you know the standard international English.

3) Do not include your marital status

Technically no one is entitled to ask you about your marital status. Or if you have kids, a happy marriage or your divorce status. So don’t put it in the CV. It creates pictures of stereotypes that can create prejudice in the mind of the person shortlisting.

4) Avoid mentioning your religion.

Religion again can create stereotypical images. If someone has a religious preference or a prejudice it will definitely be a sure shot way of getting rejected. It’s best to keep religion out of your resume!

5) No need for declaring your underprivileged status.

People don’t care about how underprivileged you are. Most people are only interested in how you can improve or contribute to their companies.

Mentioning that you belong to  a category of -Schedule Caste, OBC, Tribal, Minority is relevant only if you are applying for jobs  that have a reservation / provision for that category. But avoid it everywhere else.

6) Avoid “The Declaration”.

Many people declare  at the end of the CV that whatever they have said is true and  put in a signature to stamp it . Your CV is not a legal document but I wonder why so many jobseekers want to swear that it is an honest document. I wonder why? Gets me suspicious. So leave it alone…

7) No need to put in “References on Request”.

Either you give it or don’t give it. On request means you are saying that you have something up your sleeve and are not in the mood to declare it now.

I suggest don’t put a references list on the CV – Even if you want to impress the hiring organization about how great your contacts are.

8) Hobbies are a NO-NO.

No one really cares about what you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Even if you are a fresher who is desperately tying to fill a page of data on your resume, don’t put a hobbies section. Mentioning hobbies in your resume had become redundant.

9) Your Family Background is not required.

The CV is not a platform for displaying your family tree. Keep your report on family members, their age, what they do, and how many of them depend on your income out of your CV. It is boring and irrelevant.

10) Avoid Sob Stories.

Many people put in a reason for  a gap between jobs or an unemployment period. Leave it alone- Talking about it beings it to notice.

There is no need to give a  reason or make a statement of justification. Having a baby, divorce, death in the family, getting sacked, retrenched etc, can be explained if required at an interview. Putting it on your CV creates unnecessary offerings of data which may not attract a  positive reaction.


As a jobseeker you have access to a lot of help and support information on the internet. Even so, stupid mistakes on your resume are not detected easily. So please take intelligent decisions regarding your resume development and ensure that your CV is absolutely error free.


If you want your resume checked for fundamental mistakes please email your resume to for a free feedback & evaluation.


Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal

Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist.

How To Get A Job Through Placement Agencies

Placement Consultants earn their revenue from their clients after placement of a suitable candidate with their client company.

The placement agency will wade through over a 1000 CVs, sometimes before they shortlist 5 – 10 resumes and send them to the client for preliminary approval.

Interviews will be arranged based on the client’s selection from the CVs sent to them.

What chance do you have of being shortlisted? How do you beat the competition?

You have to ensure that your CV projects your expertise in a professional manner. Remember, a recruiter spends no more than 10 to 30 seconds to decide whether you are suitable for a job.

Your CV must also have a concise cover letter that effectively distills your achievements into 2 to 3 brief paragraphs.

You must ensure your CV reaches the concerned person carrying out the recruitment process for the client. You must then establish a personal rapport with the recruiter so that they remember you as a person with the expertise that is being sought. Do not just mail your CV – pick up the phone and speak to the recruiter. Remember, a good recruiter will ALWAYS speak with you.

It is essential for all recruiters to shortlist suitable candidates who they think will fit into the post. This they do by one or more of the following methods:

1) Placement Consultants use their own database – become a part of it.
When people apply for vacancies to recruiters, they keep the resume, even if the applicant is not fitting the requirement that is being advertised. Therefore, it is a must if you’re a job seeker to keep applying to different recruiters. Recruiters usually have lots of resumes which they keep receiving. They often go through their databases when their requirements change. Thus, sending your resume to recruiters can have long term results, and if you aren’t contacted immediately, it shouldn’t worry you.

Placement Consultants post vacancies on Job websites and portals – search and apply.
They post vacancies on job websites and portals. Applying through portals in very important if you’re searching for a job. Sometimes there is no other way of finding an opening other than through consultant portals.
You must browse through job portals on a regular basis to filter out current vacancies that may apply to you. You should apply online, and you must contact the consultant directly to follow up on your online application.

3) Placement Consultants headhunt through social media – be social!
Social media has a become a prime ground for searching for candidates. This is why nearly all advice revolves around strengthening your social media presence. If you are searching for a job, you must make sure your social media accounts are professional and reflect your skills.
Linkedin is a major resource for job hunting today. Your linkedin profile should be like your resume, it should portray your key skills and your activity should reflect you are a professional. The linkedin profile picture should be also be appropriate, like a picture you would use in your CV.
Applying through various groups and posts on linkedin can indeed land you a job if you fit their requirement and they are impressed by your profile.
Is your CV getting you results? Is it reflecting your skills and expertise? Is it up to international standard? Now get a professional CV written by us that gets you results.

Send your CV to Lima Sehgal on for a free evaluation.

There are specialized placement / recruitment firms that deal in your specialization and who may be looking for candidates like you. Get complete information on them through the Jobnet’s Directory of Placement Firms- India and International now! Order it now at


Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal
Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist. 

How To Write A Powerful Resume

The amazing fact is that a powerful resume is within everyone’s reach. Yours too!
Most people believe that resumes need to profound and magical. The truth is that the most powerful resume is always the simplest in expression and format.

A powerful resume must connect: –
Most of us are under the false impression that the boss who is hiring is the one who needs to be impressed. That usually happens at a later stage. Resumes are read by many people who are just part of a process of hiring- like the junior Kid who is given a pile of applications and a job description and told to pick the best 5 out of a 100 resumes. Or it may be a placement firm who has a list of possible candidates who fit in and has to pick the best in terms of availability and suitability. So the resume which is clear in presenting what the job description defines is the one that connects.

A powerful resume can be understood: –
If the people who are shortlisting are either placement firms or HR people armed with a job description, then, you better make sure that everyone understands it. So just littering it with jargon or keywords will not help. There is a human being who is reading your resume and if your resume is not clear on expertise, then the natural tendency is to move to the next- After all in a populated country like India when it comes to applications there is plenty to choose from.

A powerful resume is clear on showing your expertise: –
This is the toughest part of writing a resume. Expertise is not about lengthy descriptions or self praise. It is about your actual work. So if you decide to write your resume- ask yourself this question- why should they hire me? That is what must be shown in your resume in precise, simple language.
A powerful resume has a good design.This is important because presentation is important. A good design format can make a CV stand out from a pile of applications. It does not bore you. The recruiter should not have to scroll forever without getting to the point. Most importantly – It presents your expertise where it is easily visible.

A powerful resume is updated: –
The most terrible thing that you can do to yourself is to do a shoddy job on updating your CV. Updating does not mean just adding on data, it means changing your entire presentation. The current job is most important, but all other aspects must have a good representational balance too.

Get a powerful CV written by us now. We will create a resume that presents your expertise, showcases your special skills and spells out why you are good. We will create a CV that gives you an edge over the competition by using a formal but modern design format. One that is compatible with International standards.

We make a customized CV after detailed interactions with you, with a focus on the job you are targeting. It will greatly enhance your job search.

Send your CV for a FREE EVALUATION at: limasehgal@gmail.comjobnet

Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal
Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist. 

Placement Firms — The Key To Successful Job Hunting.

One of the most important aspects of successful job hunting is to have an authentic and reliable contact base of placement agencies that is relevant and useful.

96 percent of vacancies in the job market are not advertised. They are serviced through Placement Consultants. Consultants don’t advertise a vacancy if they have candidates available in their existing database.

As a job seeker you must be aware that unless you reach the Placement Consultants who are handling the kind of jobs you are targeting, the whole exercise of applying through them becomes a waste of time.

You need to contact suitable placement firms and get into their database so when they are looking for a suitable candidate with your profile, your resume is available.

Suitable placement consultants are those who are dealing with the type of jobs and companies that you are trying to target and are also are handling your preferences for postings in specific cities in India or Overseas.

Placement Consultants are valuable for jobseekers also because it is their job to find you a job. They provide valuable feedback on you weaknesses, your resume shortcomings and what to do to succeed in an interview with their client. Because if you get a job with their client they win as well.

This is why it is so important to have a comprehensive database of placement firms which specialize in different fields. This is exactly what the Jobnet’s Directory of Placement Firms does. It provides information on various specialised Placement Consultants in India and Overseas. It is provides an updated list of placement consultants in 52 cities in India & 26 countries with contact details & specializations in print as well as an online version.

The Jobnet’s Job Directory has been a trusted name amongst Jobseekers for 12 years. There are many reasons for this.

1) Job Hunting At Your Convenience.

You can go online anytime and have instant access to information that is updated regularly. The Jobnet’s Directory allows you to use it anytime to call or send emails to placement consultants. You can even download the Jobnet Directory on your computer. You can opt for either an online version or for a print edition with free online access.

Many Jobseekers have problems relating to jobhunting because they are at locations with no internet access. You may be blocked or have limited access to the internet at your office location. Or you may have privacy problems because you cannot jobhunt while sitting around other people who can see what you are doing.

The printed version of the Directory solves this problem and can be delivered to your house confidentially.

2) Find Placement Firms with their Industry / Job specializations

The Jobnet Directory gives with each Placement Firm information on what type of jobs, categories and industries they are servicing.

You should be contacting only the agencies who handle the type of companies you are looking out for or by the job function relevant to you. There is a provision for an online search and selection by specialization or industry which you can choose and you will get a list accordingly.

3) Find Placement Firms with their geographic specializations / the cities / countries they are handling

If you are looking for a job in a particular city, region or country then it is important to know the geographic specialization of a consultant. Some placement companies handle recruitment across India or some may be handling only a city or state.

Some may be doing recruitments worldwide while some may handle only a specific country or many countries. The directory mentions this specifically with each placement firm.

You can choose what suits you best in relation to your preference of the regions / cities / countries where you would like to work and only choose those consultants that handle your location preferences.

4) Placement Firms with “Terms of Service” for Jobseekers

Every Jobseeker needs to know if the services that a placement firm offers them is free or has charges involved so that they can exercise a choice.

The majority of placement firms offer free services for jobseekers. There are many who also have various charges and registration fees. With each Placement Firm in the Directory this is mentioned, so the jobseeker has a option to choose or reject a placement firm.

5) Placement Firms with their contact details

The Jobnet’s Directory gives addresses, telephone numbers, emails, websites etc to enable you to contact Placement Agencies directly.

These are updated details but there are times when a contact detail may change, so to counteract this problem, multiple contact details are given so that somehow or the other the jobseeker is able to reach and contact agencies. You can also contact us directly for updated information that you seek.

Updations for the directory are dynamic and ongoing. Anytime you access the Jobnet’s Directory online you will always get the latest updates on contact details.
Successful job hunting is in your hands. How & where you apply matters. Choose your job sources and placement firms intelligently.

You can reach me on 09811017183 for more details.

Contact me for a feedback on your resume and an assessment on its suitability for applying to Placement Firms & Companies.
You can send your resume for a Free evaluation on my email limasehgal@gmail.comjobnet

Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal
Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist. 

Put The Sparkle In Your Resume!

A good resume is one that gets you results. Most of us tend to forget the purpose of a CV. It is not supposed to be a record or an autobiography and certainly not a report.

A winning resume targets the specific type of company and jobs you are applying for. You have to “Present Yourself” as special to get a winning edge over others. A CV needs to point out a direction and lead the hiring person to say – “This person has what the company needs for the job – This person should be interviewed”.

A Winning resume is best defined as a communication missile.
Follow these guidelines while making your CV…to get successful results in your job hunt.

1) Winning Resumes are Precise
The mistake that most jobseekers tend to make is they treat their CV like a career biography. They give details on everything they are doing and handling during their career. They go into detailing on how good they are by explaining their qualities, for example- hard work or team management. They give facts and figures on awards they have won.

Mentioning everything that you have done in great detail makes a CV boring to read and very difficult to find the information that the hirer is looking for.
CVs should be 1-2 pages long and definitely not exceed 3 pages.
Keep your description of job functions brief and relevant to what you are handling for that particular company.

2) Winning Resumes are Factual
Most jobseekers explain in great detail all the job functions they are handling. Most of it is usually unnecessary. Most Job functions are standard- for example most sales people sell a product or a service. So there is no need to say “I handle sales and product promotion”, instead what has to be told is what you sell, how you sell and where you sell.

Getting factual about your responsibilities makes it easier to present your expertise. For example – I handle employee administration means nothing to a person reading it. But I manage 20 employees or 3000 employees’ gives a better picture. Or I handle production means nothing- But production of steel, medicines, chocolates? That gives the picture.
The facts do not have to be impressive in any way. They are needed to give an actual picture about the job functions you handle. It shows the real work you do.

3) Winning Resumes are focused on achievements
Self praise is poor taste in CV writing. Emphasizing on how great you are means nothing unless you can prove it. Every achievement has to be backed with facts and figures. Avoid saying – I greatly increased sales during my tenure instead, say -Increased sales by 45%, or 3 lakhs.

Achievements are not only about the great things done for which the company promoted or awarded you. It is also about the things that you introduced or about how you did a job that you were supposed to do in an efficient manner which resulted in a benefit for the company.

4) Winning Resumes are logically laid out
Remember the Formula- Current Job First and First Job Last.
Companies are interested in knowing what you are doing now, your level of seniority, your recent activities and achievements.

Usually there is a tendency to read a bit at the beginning of a resume and skip the rest if the resume is not relevant. So make sure that all the important facts that you want to show is well presented at the top and in the front page.

5) Winning Resumes are visually easy to read and grammatically correct.
All points should be bulleted. Long, scrolling data is difficult to read. There must be spaces where required. It should not be jammed with data and must have visual breaks. That is possible by choosing a good design format.

Check for accuracy in content, spelling and grammar. This is very important. It shows that you care for a good presentation and impression and that you possess the intelligence to use the grammar & spell check facility on your computer. It also projects attention to detail.

Remember your CV must be formal, yet attractive. Stay clear of all fancy graphics and loud colors. A good International format will give you an edge over other competing CVs.


Sometimes it is difficult view your resume as other people see it when you apply for a job.
Send your resume to me for a FREE Feedback and Evaluation on my email
If you require any assistance in preparing an effective and professional CV in a good international format you can call me on 07838840865.jobnet

Copyright © 2015, Lima Sehgal
Lima Sehgal is Publisher, Author and Career Solutions Specialist.